Syntax10.Scn.Fnt Syntax10i.Scn.Fnt StampElems Alloc 25 Oct 94 Syntax10b.Scn.Fnt MODULE DialogTexts; (** Markus Knasm ller 8 Jun 94 - IMPORT DialogFrames, Dialogs, Display, Files, GraphicUtils, In, MenuViewers, Oberon, Texts, TextFrames, Viewers; CONST W* = 70; H* = 22; white = 0; black = 15; grey1 = 11; minH = 20; editMenu = "System.Close System.Copy System.Grow "; TYPE Item* = POINTER TO ItemDesc; ItemDesc* = RECORD(Dialogs.ObjectDesc) f: TextFrames.Frame; END; ChangeMsg = RECORD (Display.FrameMsg); x, y: LONGINT; END; VAR w0: Texts.Writer; PROCEDURE (t: Item) Copy* (VAR dup: Dialogs.Object); (** allocates dup and makes a deep copy of o. Before calling this methode dup should be equal NIL *) VAR x: Item; t0: Texts.Text; BEGIN IF dup = NIL THEN NEW (x); dup := x ELSE x := dup(Item) END; t.Copy^ (dup); NEW (t0); t0 := TextFrames.Text (""); x.f := TextFrames.NewText (t0, 0) END Copy; PROCEDURE (t: Item) GetText* (): Texts.Text; (** returns the text of the item *) BEGIN RETURN t.f.text END GetText; PROCEDURE GetParText* (n: ARRAY OF CHAR; p: Dialogs.Panel; VAR t: Texts.Text); (** returns the generated parameter t, defined by the text items of panel p, which names are contained in n *) VAR t0, t1: Texts.Text; s: Texts.Scanner; o: Dialogs.Object; BEGIN t := TextFrames.Text (""); t0 := TextFrames.Text (""); Texts.WriteString (w0, n); Texts.Append (t0, w0.buf); Texts.OpenScanner (s, t0, 0); Texts.Scan (s); WHILE (s.class # Texts.Char) OR (s.c # 0X) DO IF s.class = Texts.Name THEN o := p.NamedObject (s.s); IF (o # NIL) & (o IS Item) THEN t1 := o(Item).GetText (); Texts.Save (t1, 0, t1.len, w0.buf); Texts.WriteString (w0, " "); Texts.Append (t, w0.buf) END END; Texts.Scan (s) END END GetParText; PROCEDURE DrawFrame (f1, f: Display.Frame; m: BOOLEAN); VAR mode: INTEGER; BEGIN IF m THEN mode := Display.invert ELSE mode := Display.replace END; Display.ReplConstC (f1, black, f.X - 1, f.Y, 1, f.H + 1, mode); Display.ReplConstC (f1, white, f.X + f.W, f.Y, 1, f.H + 1, mode); Display.ReplConstC (f1, white, f.X, f.Y, f.W - 1, 1, mode); Display.ReplConstC (f1, black, f.X, f.Y + f.H, f.W - 1, 1, mode) END DrawFrame; PROCEDURE Adjust (f: TextFrames.Frame; id, dY, y, h: INTEGER); VAR m: MenuViewers.ModifyMsg; BEGIN := id; m.dY := dY; m.Y := y; m.H := 0; f.handle (f, m); := id; m.dY := dY; m.Y := y; m.H := h; f.handle (f, m); END Adjust; PROCEDURE (t: Item) Draw* (x, y: INTEGER; f: Display.Frame); (** displays the object at (x, y) in frame f *) VAR w, h, w1, h1, ox, oy: INTEGER; BEGIN INC (x); t.GetDim (ox, oy, w, h); DEC (w, 2); DEC (h); (* checks wether textframe is visible *) IF (y + h <= f.Y) OR (y >= f.Y + f.H) OR (x + w <= f.X) OR (x >= f.X + f.W) THEN RETURN END; (* corrects x and y such that the lower left coordinats of the textframes are visible *) IF (x < f.X) & (x + w > f.X) THEN w := w - (f.X - x); x := f.X END; IF (y < f.Y) & (y + h > f.Y) THEN h := h- (f.Y - y); y := f.Y END; (* corrects wide and height such that the full textframe can be displayed *) w1 := f.W - (x - f.X); h1 := f.H - (y - f.Y); IF w1 < t.f.left THEN RETURN END; IF w > w1 THEN w := w1 END; IF h > h1 THEN h := h1 END; IF w < 0 THEN w := 0 END; IF h < 0 THEN h := 0 END; t.f.X := x; t.f.Y := y; t.f.W := w; t.f.H := h; Oberon.RemoveMarks (f.X, f.Y, f.W, f.H); DrawFrame (f, t.f, t.selected); t.f.barW := 0; t.f.left := 3; t.f.right := 3; := 3; := 3; Adjust (t.f, MenuViewers.extend, 0, t.f.Y + 1, t.f.H - 1); END Draw; PROCEDURE (t: Item) Print* (x, y: INTEGER); (** prints the object at printer coordinates (x, y) *) VAR ox, oy, ow, oh: INTEGER; BEGIN t.GetPDim (ox, oy, ow, oh); GraphicUtils.PrintBox (x, y, ow, oh) END Print; PROCEDURE (t: Item) Handle* (f: Display.Frame; VAR msg: Display.FrameMsg); (** handles messages which were sent to frame f *) VAR x, y, w, h, xh, yh: INTEGER; v: Viewers.Viewer; msg1: Oberon.CopyMsg; f1: Display.Frame; cond: BOOLEAN; msg2: ChangeMsg; t1: Texts.Text; BEGIN t.Handle^ (f, msg); t.GetDim (x, y, w, h); (* checks textframe is visible *) WITH f: DialogFrames.Frame DO yh := f.Y + f.H + y; xh := f.X + x; IF (yh + h <= f.Y) OR (yh >= f.Y + f.H) OR (xh + w <= f.X) OR (xh >= f.X + f.W) OR (h < minH) THEN RETURN END; IF (f.X <= t.f.X) & (f.X + f.W >= t.f.X) & (f.Y <= t.f.Y) & (f.Y + f.H >= t.f.Y) THEN IF msg IS TextFrames.UpdateMsg THEN IF msg(TextFrames.UpdateMsg).text = t.f.text THEN t.f.handle (t.f, msg); msg2.x := f.X; msg2.y := f.Y; Viewers.Broadcast (msg2); IF (f.X > t.f.X) OR (f.X + f.W < t.f.X) OR (f.Y > t.f.Y) OR (f.Y + f.H < t.f.Y) THEN t.Draw (f.X + x, f.Y + f.H + y, f); END; IF t.cmd[0] # 0X THEN GetParText (t.par, t.panel, t1); t.CallCmd (f, Viewers.This (xh, yh), t1) END END ELSE t.f.handle (t.f, msg); END; ELSE cond := FALSE; WITH msg: Oberon.InputMsg DO IF ( = Oberon.track) & (msg.X >= xh) & (msg.X <= xh + w) & (msg.Y >= yh) & (msg.Y <= yh+ h) & (msg. keys # {}) THEN cond := TRUE; END; IF = Oberon.defocus THEN cond := TRUE END | msg: ChangeMsg DO t.Draw (f.X + x, f.Y + f.H + y, f); ELSE END; IF cond THEN TextFrames.RemoveCaret (t.f); t.Draw (f.X + x, f.Y + f.H + y, f); t.f.handle (t.f, msg); END; END ELSE END; END Handle; PROCEDURE (t: Item) Init*; (** initialies the object, should be called after allocating the object with NEW *) VAR h: Texts.Text; BEGIN t.Init^; h := TextFrames.Text (""); t.f := TextFrames.NewText (h, 0); END Init; PROCEDURE Insert*; (** Insert ([name] [x y w h] | ^ ) inserts a text - item in the panel containing the caret position *) VAR x, y, x1, y1, w, h: INTEGER; t: Item; p: Dialogs.Panel; name: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; BEGIN NEW (t); DialogFrames.GetCaretPosition (p, x, y); IF (p # NIL) THEN t.Init; In.Open; In.Name (name); IF ~In.Done THEN COPY ("", name); In.Open END; t.SetName (name); In.Int (x1); In.Int (y1); In.Int (w); In.Int (h); IF ~In.Done THEN x1 := x; y1 := y; w := W; h := H ELSE IF w < 0 THEN w := W END; IF h < 0 THEN h := H END END; t.SetDim (x1, y1, w, h, FALSE); p.Insert (t, FALSE) ELSE Dialogs.res := Dialogs.noPanelSelected END; IF Dialogs.res # 0 THEN Dialogs.Error ("DialogTexts") END; END Insert; PROCEDURE WriteToObjectInt (o: Dialogs.Object; VAR p: Dialogs.Panel; x: INTEGER); VAR t: Texts.Text; BEGIN WITH o: Item DO t := o.GetText (); Texts.WriteInt (w0, x, 1); Texts.Append (t, w0.buf); END END WriteToObjectInt; PROCEDURE WriteToObjectStr (o: Dialogs.Object; VAR p: Dialogs.Panel; n: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR t: Texts.Text; BEGIN WITH o: Item DO t := o.GetText (); Texts.WriteString (w0, n); Texts.Append (t, w0.buf); END END WriteToObjectStr; PROCEDURE Edit (o: Dialogs.Object); VAR x, y, nx, ny, nw, nh: INTEGER; nn, nc, np: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; ox, oy, ow, oh, on, oc, op: Dialogs.Object; deInit: Dialogs.Panel; msg: DialogFrames.GetFrameMsg; file: Files.File; r: Files.Rider; m: TextFrames.Frame; v: Viewers.Viewer; df: DialogFrames.Frame; BEGIN Oberon.AllocateSystemViewer (Oberon.Mouse.X, x, y); msg.p := Dialogs.editPanel; msg.f := NIL; Viewers.Broadcast (msg); IF msg.f = NIL THEN NEW (df); deInit := Dialogs.deInit.Copy (); df.Open (DialogFrames.Handle, deInit); Oberon.AllocateSystemViewer (Oberon.Mouse.X, x, y); m := TextFrames.NewMenu ("DEInit.Dlg", editMenu); v := MenuViewers.New (m, df, TextFrames.menuH, x, y); ELSE deInit := Dialogs.deInit.Copy (); msg.f.panel := deInit; deInit.Restore; END; ox := deInit.NamedObject ("x"); oy := deInit.NamedObject ("y"); ow := deInit.NamedObject ("w"); oh := deInit.NamedObject ("h"); on := deInit.NamedObject ("name"); oc := deInit.NamedObject ("cmd"); op := deInit.NamedObject ("par"); o.GetDim (nx, ny, nw, nh); COPY (, nn); COPY (o.cmd, nc); COPY (o.par, np); WriteToObjectInt (ox, deInit, nx); WriteToObjectInt (oy, deInit, ny); WriteToObjectInt (ow, deInit, nw); WriteToObjectInt (oh, deInit, nh); WriteToObjectStr (on, deInit, nn); WriteToObjectStr (oc, deInit, nc); WriteToObjectStr (op, deInit, np); Dialogs.editPanel := deInit; Dialogs.editObject := o; END Edit; PROCEDURE Update (o: Dialogs.Object; deInit: Dialogs.Panel); VAR o1: Dialogs.Object; ax, ay, aw, ah, nx, ny, nw, nh, res, res1, res2, res3, res4: INTEGER; nn: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; nc, np: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; par: Oberon.ParList; t: Texts.Text; PROCEDURE ReadInt (o: Dialogs.Object; VAR x, res: INTEGER); VAR s: Texts.Scanner; BEGIN WITH o: Item DO t := o.GetText (); Texts.OpenScanner (s, t, 0); Texts.Scan (s); IF (s.class = Texts.Int) THEN x := SHORT (s.i); res := Dialogs.ok ELSE res := Dialogs.wrongInput END ELSE END; END ReadInt; PROCEDURE InitPar (VAR par: Oberon.ParList); BEGIN NEW (par); NEW (par.text); par.text := TextFrames.Text (""); par.vwr := Oberon.FocusViewer; par.frame := Oberon.Par.frame END InitPar; BEGIN o1 := deInit.NamedObject ("name"); WITH o1: Item DO InitPar (par); t := o1.GetText (); Texts.Save (t, 0, t.len, w0.buf); Texts.Append (par.text, w0.buf); Texts.WriteString (w0, " "); Texts.Append (par.text, w0.buf); DialogFrames.SetCaretAtObject (o); IF t.len > 0 THEN Oberon.Call ("Dialog.SetName", par, FALSE, res) END END; o1 := deInit.NamedObject ("cmd"); WITH o1: Item DO InitPar (par); t := o1.GetText (); Texts.Save (t, 0, t.len, w0.buf); Texts.Append (par.text, w0.buf); Texts.WriteString (w0, " "); Texts.Append (par.text, w0.buf); DialogFrames.SetCaretAtObject (o); IF t.len > 0 THEN Oberon.Call ("Dialog.SetCmd", par, FALSE, res) END END; o1 := deInit.NamedObject ("par"); WITH o1: Item DO InitPar (par); t := o1.GetText (); Texts.Save (t, 0, t.len, w0.buf); Texts.Append (par.text, w0.buf); Texts.WriteString (w0, " "); Texts.Append (par.text, w0.buf); DialogFrames.SetCaretAtObject (o); IF t.len > 0 THEN Oberon.Call ("Dialog.SetPar", par, FALSE, res) END END; o1 := deInit.NamedObject ("x"); ReadInt (o1, nx, res1); o1 := deInit.NamedObject ("y"); ReadInt (o1, ny, res2); o1 := deInit.NamedObject ("w"); ReadInt (o1, nw, res3); o1 := deInit.NamedObject ("h"); ReadInt (o1, nh, res4); IF (res1 # Dialogs.ok) OR (res2 # Dialogs.ok) OR (res3 # Dialogs.ok) OR (res4 # Dialogs.ok) THEN Dialogs.res := Dialogs.wrongInput; Dialogs.Error ("Dialog"); ELSE o.GetDim (ax, ay, aw, ah); IF (ax # nx) OR (ay # ny) OR (aw # nw) OR (ah # nh) THEN InitPar (par); Texts.WriteInt (w0, nx, 5); Texts.WriteInt (w0, ny, 5); Texts.WriteInt (w0, nw, 5); Texts.WriteInt (w0, nh, 5); Texts.WriteString (w0, " "); Texts.Append (par.text, w0.buf); DialogFrames.SetCaretAtObject (o); Oberon.Call ("Dialog.SetDim", par, FALSE, res) END; END; END Update; BEGIN Texts.OpenWriter (w0); Dialogs.Edit := Edit; Dialogs.Update := Update END DialogTexts.